Flow and Mixing in Porous Media

PMLab @ IIT Kanpur

Welcome to the webpage of Dr Chunendra K Sahu at IIT Kanpur! 

We work on research problems related to flow and mixing in porous media in the context of energy and the environment, focusing on issues like global warming and water pollution. Of particular interest are buoyancy and density-driven flows, which we solve using analytical methods and laboratory experiments. Applications of our research are in the fields of carbon sequestration, groundwater contamination, geothermal energy and nuclear waste storage.

Please check Research and Publications for the details on our research work and their applications. 

Dr. Sahu is an Assistant Professor at IIT Kanpur in the Department of Civil Engineering. Prior to joining IITK, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Cambridge (UK).

He is a Mechanical Engineer by training, with education from the University of Alberta (Canada), IISc Bangalore, BIT Durg and JNV Raipur, and with an industrial experience from GE Bangalore.

Check his CV for more details.

Also, check Team to learn about the research group.

Chunendra K Sahu 

Department of Civil Engineering (HWRE)

IIT Kanpur, UP 208016 INDIA

Email: cksahu@iitk.ac.in 

Office: WLE-112 | Extn: 2198